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Eastman Johnson Catalogue Raisonné
Patricia Hills, PhD, Founder and Director | Abigael MacGibeny, MA, Project Manager

Catalogue Entry

Photo: St. Louis County Historical Society
38.1 Wisconsin & Minnesota Territory Scene Drawings

In the summer of 1856—soon after his late 1855 return to the United States from Europe—Johnson traveled west to Superior, Wisconsin, to visit his brother Reuben Johnson and his sister Sarah Osgood Johnson and her husband William Henry Newton. Superior was a growing town, specifically growing on land that had been Ojibwe territory; as many speculators were doing at that time, Johnson made some real estate investments. While in Superior he made portraits of family members and other residents. In 1857 he turned down a commission from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to draw a portrait of Longfellow’s daughters in favor of a second trip to Superior and the Lake Superior region, including part of what was then Minnesota Territory. As he wrote to Longfellow on June 3, 1857,

One might reasonably wonder what attraction that wild region can have for an artist, in comparison with such advantages as would result to me from your kind & flattering offer, the patronage of the most celebrated in the most refined of places. Perhaps I cannot entirely justify it, but in a visit to that country last season I found so much of the picturesque, & of a character so much to my taste & in my line, that I then determined to employ this summer or a portion of it in making sketches of Frontier life, a national feature of our present condition & a field for art that is full of interest, & freshness & pleasing nature, & yet that has been but little treated [Quoted Carbone 1999a, p. 36].

That summer Johnson set out with local guide Stephen Bunga to see and depict Ojibwe encampments and people. He created a distinct body of work including eighteen paintings and twenty-five drawings of encampments, individuals, and groups that are an important record of Ojibwe life at that time, as well as Johnson’s interests and developing style. —AM

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Hills no. 38.1.8v
Baur no. 429
Indian Grave [verso of Ojibwe Man]
Charcoal on paper
7 x 6 1/4 in. (17.8 x 15.9 cm)
Inscribed lower center: Indian grave—
Recto: Ojibwe Man, 1857 (Hills no. 38.2.2r)
This catalogue raisonné strives to reproduce the available historical information, as it was written in the period, while acknowledging that readers today may find many of these terms objectionable or racist. Please see the Racist Language/Negative Stereotypes Statement »

Hills, 2022: Johnson traveled to Superior, Wisconsin and Minnesota Territory in 1856–57. Although many of his Superior works are dated 1856, there is no evidence that he made any of his works relating to Ojibwe people in 1856.

Eastman Johnson estate/Mrs. Eastman Johnson, New York, 1906 (by bequest)
Richard Teller Crane, 1908 or 1909 (by purchase)
Presented by Richard Teller Crane to the City of Duluth, Minnesota, 1909
St. Louis County Historical Society, Duluth, Minnesota, February 1929 (by donation)
Baur 1940
Baur, John I. H. An American Genre Painter: Eastman Johnson, 1824–1906. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1940. Exhibition catalogue (1939 Brooklyn Museum), p. 80, no. 429, [reference is to the recto, Indian Looking Upward; this verso is not mentioned].
Wilson 1979
Wilson, Mary G. "Five New Works by Eastman Johnson." The American Art Journal, published by Kennedy Galleries, Inc. 11, no. 1 (January 1979), p. 89, fig. 5, illus., as Indian Grave.
Johnston 1983a
Johnston, Patricia Condon. Eastman Johnson's Lake Superior Indians. Afton, MN: Johnston Publishing, 1983, p. 49, illus., as Indian Grave [verso of Ojibwe Man].
Record last updated March 27, 2022. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Hills, Patricia, and Abigael MacGibeny. "Indian Grave [verso of Ojibwe Man], 1857 (Hills no. 38.1.8v)." In Eastman Johnson Catalogue Raisonné. www.eastmanjohnson.org/catalogue/entry.php?id=1145 (accessed on September 20, 2024).